Disaster Relief
- Haiti
- Hurricane Ike
- Mumbai
- Typhoon Haayan Relief Efforts, Phillipines
- Earthquake, Nepal
- Earthquake, Cebu Phillipines
- Tsunami, Indonesia
- Hurricane Rita
- Hurricane Katrina
- Earthquake, Haiti

Collective Power Of One – International (Cpoi)
Building Sustainable Communities Through Healthcare Education and Services
CPOI is Worldwide
CPOI, while based in Houston, has reach dozens of locations across the globe in an effort to increase health and education services.
To help build sustainable communities through healthcare initiatives, primarily focused on education and community development, for the voiceless, neglected segments in emerging communities worldwide.
CPOI utilizes a systems approach to simultaneously address the root causes of diseases and employ preventative measures, empower people and communities, and create self-sufficiency and sustainability.
The Problem
Rural healthcare in India is social, economic and political. Shamirpet, Telangana, India plus 22 surrounding villages with over ten million residents lack formal health care facilities. The nearest hospital is more than an hour away. Most residents are unable to travel for healthcare prevention or treatment. Several key facts:
- India has 1/3 of the world’s poorest population.
- India has the highest hunger index, and highest maternal and infant mortality rates.
- 65M people are affected by diabetes, and chronic diseases are on the rise.
- 5% of India’s GDP is spent on healthcare.
- 86% of healthcare payments are by patient out-of-pocket.
- 75% of people live in rural areas, 66% lack access to preventative medications.
- For every 1,000 patients, there are on average 0.6 doctors and 1.5 nurses.
- 35% Indians travel more than 35 km for poor medical services.
Preventative and treatment healthcare services and education are necessary and immediate.

The Solution
CPOI is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity registered in the U.S. It’s systems approach to healthcare includes sanitation, waste management, housing, transportation, education and training, micro financing, and job creation.

Generous Land Donated With Improvements
The Shamirpet Hospital Project will become a model for duplication in other regions. Onsite facilities will provide a 100-bed hospital, senior day care and nursing facilities, public education services, medical and vocational training center, and staff/visitor housing. It is strategically located with access to rail, road and air transportation.
Milestones To Date
- A 50,000 sq ft hospital building with surrounding land together valued at $5M, has been donated.
- Hospital equipment worth $1M was donated and shipped from the U.S. is being stored onsite.
- $30,000 raised in the U.S. was used to pay for equipment shipping and customs clearance.
- 60 local doctors have registered to staff the hospital and provide pro bono healthcare education and treatment.
- Architecture and consulting firms are currently preparing building construction and operating expense estimates.