8/31/17, 7:58:38 AM:
8/31/17, 8:03:34 AM:
Everyone should file a claim with their insurance first. Don’t judge themselves that they don’t have flood insurance and nothing will be covered.
Keep receipts for everything including gas, food and any temporary repairs etc. Those will be covered. Take photos and video’s before the throw anything. Proper documents are needed for FEMA to reimburse.
8/31/17, 9:32:10 AM: Chief Deputy Jason Finnen, Harris County Constable Precinct 8 AGENCY
August 31, 2017
HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS—The Harris County Residential Debris and Damage Assessment Hotline is now open to assist Harris County residents living in unincorporated areas of the County with recovery and rebuilding after Hurricane Harvey.
Harris County
Residential Debris and Damage Assessment Hotline
The Harris County Residential Debris and Damage Assessment Hotline staff is available to help residents answer questions about the following list of services:
8/31/17, 11:03:02 AM:
ALERT: 3 or 4 guys may visit your home claiming they are from water company, to
save lives and property!!!
install shower caps, to save water. Or they will claim they are from and electricity company to change energy-saving electric bulbs for free as part of government lay down program. They have been spotted in so many areas. DO NOT let them in!!! They are Robbers, robbing people at gunpoint!! Please alert all your contacts, as you may save lives. Make sure doors are locked at all times and Please do not open door to strangers. Please forward immediately